Hey guys, it’s been awhile, I hope you’re doing well. 🙂 Here’s an update on my life: It’s been 2 weeks since I’ve been back in the states and I was in NJ/NY area with a group of squad mates for the first 4 days of being back.
I’m now in Kentucky and have been here since the 13th. Paiton and I planned months ago to do our re-entry together, and so, that’s what we’ve been doing. We’ve been praying, reflecting, journaling about our Race, and we’ve been walking with each other on everything that re-entry entails. It has been really good, and I’m truly so thankful for her.
Also, fun news is: we (along with 2 of our former team/squadmates) will be leaving the 28th to Guatemala for 1 week to do ministry with the our ministry partners that we met during our Race: The Mistecos (Love Without Borders ministry). We’re incredibly excited and thankful to go back. God is so good! Please pray for our time serving and doing life with the Mistecos in Guatemala.
I’ll be coming back in DE during the first or second week of October. I love my family dearly, and I am so thankful that I’ll be spending time with them. I’m also excited to see my community of faith and my friends!
So, is it over? Yea, my World Race journey is over.
But this journey/life with Jesus isn’t.
I want to thank and bless those who have supported me through prayer and financial support on this trip. Thank you and may He bless you. This journey was so good, and so of the Lord. Thank you for reading, and stay tuned for more blogs and maybe even more cool news!!
below is a glimpse of my final debrief experience and the travel days coming back to the states with pictures. With much love and until next time,
J <3
Final Debrief & TRAVEL DAY
Our final debrief was everything: good, great, hard, emotional, joyful, heartbreaking… you name it.
Us being 15 squad mates, we had our mentor, our 2 coaches, and 7 alumni squad and team leaders, come all the way to South Africa to be with us. How loved did we feel? Incredibly loved and so supported in enter into this new season.Honestly, we are such a powerhouse. I think one of my favorite memory was speaking truth and words of encouragement over our mentor, Megan. We’re the ones on this trip, going through the motions and emotions.. and God made space for a sweet time for us to speak over our mentor. WOW. The love I have for my squad, mentor, and leaders is so big.
I have a lot of other favorite memories and I know that my squad’s memory of me was having wept everyday at our final sessions. :’) I love u G-squad… thanks for loving me for me. I wouldn’t have wanted to finish this Race with anyone else.September 8th–9th, we flew from Capetown, Z.A. to Johannesburg, Z.A and then to Newark, NJ. Our 15hr flight was overall very good, it was a little bumpy due to turbulence at some point, but our pilot was incredible. At the beginning of our flight he professed to be a believer through the intercom, and that this would be his last flight as a pilot.
I was honored that my squad and I would be on his last flight (it being our last flight into re-entry), and thankful for how God showed me that we are all entering into new seasons.
Even though it is hard entering into the unknown, it is a beautiful thing.
It has been so exciting to journey with you. May you continue to respond to His call for your life.