31 but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint (Isaiah 40:31).
Hey friends! A lot of changes have occurred in the last 2 months, and I was wanting to create my own blog platform, but I’ll keep y’all posted for when I do. 🙂
The Lord has been teaching me a lot on dependence, obedience, recovery, and much more! I was planning to move to Georgia after being in Delaware (DE) for around a month after coming back from Costa Rica. I was planning to get my master’s from a college in Athens, GA and live with my sweet friends, and there were other plans too in reference to ministry.
Yet, I heard from the Lord that this was a premature decision to move to Georgia, and so, I’ve stayed in DE. Also, I decided to drop out of college! Whoohoo! And I may go for my Master’s at some point 😉 !
Some of you guys know that I fractured my finger (but its doing fine, no worries), and that I was offered an internship opportunity in DE days before I was planning to leave …
Fast forwarding to present day, I said ”YES” to the internship, and last week I started this internship that is equipping me to become an immigration specialist: someone that represents the law in providing legal advice and legal assistance to immigrants, migrants, undocumented, (former and current) asylum seekers and refugees.
I remember that 2 whole years ago on my 11 month trip that I felt something unlocked in my heart as my squad and I partnering with World Relief in Chicago: My heart broke and yearned to be part of the change and hope for sojourners.
I honestly have dealt with so much change in the last 2 years that it has served me very well to have Jesus in my life; guiding me. I love that He didn’t forget the passions He instilled in me, when at times I have, providing me with an opportunity here in DE that was only orchestrated by Him!
When I thought that this season involved integrating into a different state, I’m grateful to know that I am re-integrating into the community that I grew up in.
The Lord knows it all, and I have had to rest in that, even though for many days I hadn’t. I’ve been repeating a quote from a book called Keep a Quiet Heart by Elisabeth Elliot that I got at a coffee shop for $2!- “If my life is once surrendered, all is well. Let me not grab it back, as though it were in peril in His hand but would be safer in mine! Today is mine. Tomorrow is none of my business.”
I’m genuinely filled with gratefulness that I’m in DE! He is faithful to His promises, and He reminded me that my time in Delaware is filled with so much purpose, where I’ll bring His Kingdom being at His disposition with the gifts He has given me!!!
I really feel like I’ve been in survival mode for these past 2 years going from country and/or location and/or program, and it is time to stay and sow here in DELAWARE! I sense in me a great desire for flexibility to dive into things the Lord has planned for me, and to also focus on my health.
Also, kinda random but:
Guatemala has been on my heart since the beginning of the year in a new way. So we’ll see what happens with that because, look y’all…
I had told God ”no” to the idea of living there long term, and then He asked me to reconsider my “no” for reasons I can’t know for sure (yet!) I’ve been given opportunities to do ministry there, but I feel that right now the focus is on what the Lord has for me here in DE.
If you could join me prayer:
that I hope and wait for the Lord in reference to a part time job in DE, (update: I started working at my part-time this same week — it’s amazing because it was so fast!!! ahaha! Thanks God!!!)
that I do not grow weary and trust the Lord with Georgia and Guatemala, and
that I live life to the fullest, in the here and now, bringing Kingdom where He has asked me to be.
Thank you for reading and praying for me! With much love,
J <3
& here are some sweet moments from these past 2 months:
I turned 25, which is crazy,
and my niece is just growing and growing, ugh I love her!
Loved reading your update Janice! Praying you feel God’s presence in every step you take. xoxoxoxo
Love this, Janice. Praying for you!
Janice! I’ve been thinking about you.
It’s wonderful to hear how you are pursuing the internship that is equipping you to become an immigration specialist! Congratulation! What a blessing you will be!
I also love your new focus of surrendering to the Lord. You are very wise! I love & miss you! God’s blessing over you & your family.
Janiceee chica, this is so exciting to hear. I know the Lord will use your heart and hispanic blood to minister to so many migrants that are seeking for better opportunities, many of them with no hope but you have THE one and only eternal hope to offer them!! Jesus!! This is so good.
I will also be praying for Guatemala (currently writing this from Guatemala haha that is crazy)
The Lord has given you specific dreams and He will honor your steps of obedience, in His timing!
Praying for you girl!!!
Girl, you are a beautiful soul! I love you!