Dear Yosef, I hope you’re reading this and you are excited!!! I know you’d prefer a video with how busy you are, but… I know you’ll find the time to read and savor this blog: because it’s dedicated to you.
I was thinking of how, the time I have on this journey is coming to an end. 11 months is a long time, and I wanted you to know what God has reminded, revealed, and shown me… about you.
Jesus put it in my heart to write to you, and let our family and friends into this blog letter.
We found out that you and Zule were expecting your baby a month before I left on the Race, and my heart initially sunk. You are my brother; my life friend for life, and I was so sad that I wasn’t going to be part of this experience with you. As your sister, I am thankful for your beautiful marriage and life with Zule. She is out-of-this-world-amazing. God’s timing is perfect; He brought you both together at the perfect time, and He called me on this journey at the perfect time.
Seeing you grow into the man you are, in becoming a husband, and now a father… overjoys me!!!
Abuela Gilda & baby Xiani M. Knight, ——born May 7th, 2021
Abuelo Rene & baby Xiani
Mami Zule & baby Xiani
Papi Yosef & baby Xiani
an honor and a privilege doing life with you for the past 23 years of my life, en las buenas y en las malas (through thick and thin). We’ve seen each other in our highs, high highs, lows, and low lows. And I am just so honored to be your sister. I get flashbacks to our childhood, to all the fights and fun we had, the life experiences we’ve had together… and here we are now.. in our early 20s. With the new seasons we’ve passed through and are in right now, I love that we know Jesus and serve Him wholeheartedly. I love that our lives look very different and how we reflect Jesus and His love.
You are a man of God.
You have a strong character (we both do), you’re tender, and are an incredible leader. You care so well for those around you, for the youth at church, for the youth outside of church, for those you work with and lead at work.
You love deeply, especially your family.
You are brave. You are exemplary. You are loving.
I just want to tell you how proud I am of you. In the lows, you have been so strong. In the highs, you have brought so much joy. I never have stopped looking up to you, and never will.
I remember growing up and sometimes I rebelled when you told me what to do, but… I realized and understood at some point that,
you were a natural-born leader. You were chosen by God to be my brother, to love, empower and lead me, and no one could take that away from you, especially me. You were and are worthy of being respected and followed.
I love you and I love seeing you in your element. You’re a visionary, and in organizing and leading events, I love seeing you make your vision come to life. You not only have the vision, but you have the ability to make it happen.
I have things to tell you bro…
If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have grown as much as I have in my gift of worship. I didn’t see it for what it was before… but you have always pushed me and believed in me and in what God had given me when I didn’t.
If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have introduced the songs, Sou Casa and En Tu Presencia/Touch of Heaven, to my squad and to the ministry here in Colombia.
Bro, the way God has used you in my life is so incredible, and yes, all the glory to God…. but yes, you deserve credit. You have been obedient to Jesus in loving me, and caring for me, and empowering me, and even being patient with me. I love that our personalities are different, for there has always been challenges in our communication haha, but we have never not resolved things // we’re in this for life…
During this time on the Race I have thought of you often, and I have meditated a lot on our personalities. I’ve learned so much about myself and even about you…
I love you man. I miss you, and I am excited to see you and personally tell you about so many more things bro!!!
With much love, your sister,
J <3
Soy tan bendecida por tenerles como hijos. Dios ha sido bueno conmigo. Su hermandad es una victoria, un regalo y como una planta. Cuiden y cultiven en cada etapa de sus vidas ese amor tan profundo que les une. Les amo!!! Mami
Janice! What a beautiful expression of love & honor for your brother! By your description I could sense God’s hand upon him in a mighty way. You’re parents must be special people to have raised such remarkable children in the Lord! Thank you for sharing these photos of your family’s beautiful milestones. God’s blessing upon each of you. May little Xiani increase in portion.
this is SO sweet! I love it. Brothers are awesome. Thankful for the way he poured into you and I am so encouraged by the way you love each other!
Just bawling!! Your brother is absolutely blessed to have you for a sister !! and I’m sure he knows it!!! I wish I could fill this space with emojis of hearts and crying faces praise hands and kissy faces!!!