My friends, hello! I have SURPRISING news
that I did not know I would be sharing this
week. Here is the news,
let me tell you the story first! Yesterday 11/11, many missionaries including myself did an $11 fundraiser for our 11 month mission trip, and if I do not testify to what happened to me yesterday and today, I will explode!!! I had a few friends, family, church family, and a sweet stranger give $11, and then I had a sweet sister donate $200. If any of you are reading this, I love you deeply. Thank you.
I then woke up today, prayed, ate, and then my team and I left for our prayer walk with World Relief (W.R.), a global Christian humanitarian organization. Our prayers were centered on the refugees, immigrants, migrants, and World Relief staff and (W.R.) partners in Chicago and around the world. The lives of sojourners, especially immigrants and their sufferings is very close to my heart. I was really praying and asking God many questions on the passion and love for my Latino community and what that could look like in the future. So, yeah I was a little perplexed but still successfully shifting my focus to the new messages and notifications from friends that wanted to donate. I had another sister donate $100, and an awesome brother donated $500, and before I knew it, *drum roll*
I became fully-funded for my trip of $17,700.00!!!!!! AAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
Glory to Jesus for this victory!

I remember talking to God about how if it were in His will, that I would really love to be fully funded before January because of a few reasons that most who are fundraising may have. He didn’t have to fully fund me just yet, but He did… and I want to say, THANK YOU YAHWEH for Your joy, love, encouragement and provision through such incredible people.
It has been a day full of many emotions and I am just in awe of the Lord, and I am excited to focus more on praying, encouraging, and supporting my teammates to meet their fundraising goals and rejoice with them when they do. I will also be praying and finding ways to support the various ministry partners that we’ll be working with and learning about! I knew from the beginning that this has never been about me, but about us… community. Bringing Kingdom and making earth like heaven starts with united, Holy-Spirit filled people, and I am so grateful to continuously experience this with my home church family, Betel UMC, and my new World Race community a.k.a. FAMILY!!!
To all of you who are bringing Kingdom with me by having supported me through prayer and financial support, thank you. I love you all very deeply. I am excited for many friends, new friends, and family to continue bringing Kingdom with me through prayer and in different ways, and to share God’s story with you all!!!!!!!!!
With so much love and until next time,
J <3
God is so good!!!!! Love you lot and I can’t wait to see you in January. I really hope that I can give you a hug!!!!! Keep doing what God has called you to do and He always provide!!!