Written June 28th, 2021
And just like that folks, we’re leaving Cartagena and it would be my greatest pleasure to share the first part of this week.
What I can say is that this was such an empowering week for all of us. There are so many stories to tell, but I think I’ll give the outline.
Day 1, Monday (getting to Cartagena): We arrived to the bus station safe and sound, and hungry. We ate at a restaurant, here’s the yummy passion fruit shake I got. We prayed that God would provide a hostel for us, we made a few calls and ended up at Bike and Dive hostel. We made a new friend there. His name’s Mark!!!
Day 2, Tuesday: adventured Cartagena a bit and my team and I all came together during a meal to share what Holy Spirit had spoken or highlighted to us for this week. Here’s the burrito I ate.We adventured a bit more,
here’s a pic of the beach,
walking on the historical wall in Cartagena,
and oh yeah, ice cream!
Day 3, Wednesday: Katy set us up for a tour, which was very informative and a really sweet experience. It poured so hard during the first part of the tour, and then the sun came out for the last part of the tour, where it was scorching hot!!! And it was Lucas’s birthday!!!!!
Day 4, Thursday: between Wednesday night and Thursday we discussed a dream that God put in Lucas’s heart to make care-packages for the homeless in the area. It was this day that we posted a fundraising video for it.
For next time, I’ll be recapping Day 4, Thursday, and share the last 4 days in Cartagena. I do want to give more information on how ministry looked like, so I am excited for that! Love you guys,
Beautiful days the Lord prepared for you ! Love how you slowed down to listen to the Holy Spirit and make care bags for the community. I’m sure it blessed their hearts to receive them. Keep giving snd pouring out His love!