
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

As we wait to board to our plane for South Africa, I want to express thoughts that I’d been forming for awhile now. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to share, but I will, because I want to acknowledge and share His work through me and how the Lord used me.

For 6 months, I was the interpreter of my Race (Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Colombia). 

Besides being a Racer with the role of a worship coordinator and story-teller intern, I unofficially held the role of interpreter on this mission trip. I interpreted from Spanish to English and English to Spanish nearly everyday for 

  • my team, 
  • my squad, 
  • my hosts, 
  • new friends and strangers as we did life and outreach.

Off the top of my head, here are some specifics on when I had interpreted in events and moments in each country:

Guatemala– for our daily hosts, the Mistecos as they ministered to us and us to them, and also our main hosts. It was cool to interpret / help us communicate with those in the health department who would check up on us while some of us had Covid. A few months later after leaving Guatemala, I helped my hosts with writing their newsletters in both English and Spanish for current and new supporters for their ministry.

Costa Rica– I interpreted during a Sunday service for the sermon preached by the pastor and also the testimony time for my squad mates. This was a new experience that I will never forget.

I would interpret for children’s ministry and our daily hosts and for my squad in the our living-setting when it was needed.

Colombia– I interpreted at women’s ministry, youth ministry, and other ministries. My favorite time to have interpreted was during a testimony time that we had set up; I am very thankful that we were all able to listen and understand our friend’s testimony. 

There wasn’t a day that I wasn’t helping with simple or complex forms of communication through interpreting. It was a relief when I had the opportunity to instead of interpreting, be able to teach and lead ministry events not only because I am fluent in Spanish, but because I have the gifts of teaching and to lead events. 

It was interesting taking on the role of interpreting for 6 months in different cultures as a young woman with multi-cultures, not including my cultural backgrounds (Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and U.S.).

I learned and grew in asking the Lord to strengthen me. As I felt misunderstood, I could cast all of my cares and all of my anxieties to Him. I was able to choose to let my squad into the frustrations I felt and voice the boundaries I needed to set for myself.

I am so encouraged by how my squad felt empowered to step up and take risks in communicating to their best ability in Spanish during these past 6 months. The growth and empowerment is incredible and I am thankful to be in the squad that I’m in.

I’m thankful to my parents who raised me well, and taught me and pushed me to speak Spanish even when at times I didn’t want to because I was getting used to speaking more in English. They were relentless, and I love them, and I love who I am and what I am capable of. To know that God is glorified and His Kingdom is expanded through our love, willingness, and sacrifice is so encouraging. 

I know that God has honored my love, willingness, and sacrifice. It was very hard balancing things out, especially when you’re the only one with the highest fluency.

It was an honor! I am thankful for how God cares for me and loves me so well in allowing me to step out of that role and to enter into this new experience in my last 2 months.


Until next time (in South Africa with The Interpreter pt.2)


4 responses to “The Interpreter”

  1. Janice, I’m so grateful for your ability and willingness to translate. I know it was ongoing for you. Thank you for being available.
    I’m happy you well get a break from that whilw in S.A.

  2. God gave you the honor and joy of interpreting. Others were able to listen the wonders of the Lord, in their own tongue, thanks to the gift that was given to you and that you have been using and perfecting for so many years. I am very proud of you my child! ??

  3. WOW!!! What a gift to be fluent in more than one language!!! To be able to reach more and connect others to be able to experience testimonies because God gave you the gift when you were little for such a time as this…world race time!!!my heart is grateful for you being willing to be the “connector”of blessings!