
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I want to encourage those who will or have entered into a new role, a new experience or season. It didn’t cross my mind that in saying, “yes” to this almost year-long trip that I would be saying yes to interpreting for 6 months.

year ago on July 16th, 2020, I said:

I am 100% certain that I won’t be the same person when I come back… because I’ve been growing and changing so much through this World Race (fundraising) experience already. This is what my heart has yearned for a long time… I’ve wanted to step up & take courage for my spiritual journey and growth with and in Jesus.

July 16th, 2020

A year now, I can tell you that I’ve definitely grown and changed in many 
beautiful ways. I’ve grown in depending more on who God says I am. The role that encompassed interpreting was a challenge accepted, and so,

noticed that after moving on from that role (being here in South Africa), that it was very easy to feel that the role defined me as a person, and that the mistakes I made defined me too. I remember one night while interpreting in Colombia, He reminded me once more to never fear man (people) and to make true what others think of me; that I shouldn’t believe that my performance on how “good” or “bad” I do will ever define me. 


  • an Interpreter,
  • Worship coordinator
  • Story-telling intern
  • Social worker 
  • World Racer

or not being those things will not change who God says I am. I am who God says I am —

  • beloved,
  • daughter,
  • seen,
  • known,
  • created,
  • with purpose,
  • and so much more.


 We all have had, are having, or will have different expected or unexpected rolesseasons and experiences in our lives. 

I want to encourage you as God propels and empowers you to step into whatever He has for you:

  • to pray for strength. (Ephesians 3:16-17)

He isn’t asking or calling you to do any of it in your own strength. So, don’t try to. Allow Holy Spirit to lead you in everything

But also, be reminded that even if you fail at times or make mistakes, those things never have defined you. Do you believe that you are who He says you are? Regarding and regardless of the rolesseasons and experiencesyou have or will live through?

Whatever God givesbrings, and provides, in the end are a testament to His character: His love, His glorious graciousness, His goodness, His kindness and compassion, and more. I, Janice, believe this by faith and experience, because He’s always shown up. Always. I pray you’re encouraged!!!


Until next time, 



4 responses to “The Interpreter pt. 2 // I am who He says I am”

  1. You are a living testimony of God’s love and power. Thank you for sharing your journey; it’s making a difference in my life. Love you.

  2. You always encourage my heart!! Preacher Lady:) that’s why your fluent in 2 languages He wants and know you will multiply His Kingdom twice as fast haha!!Keep going in His strength!

  3. You are so wise, Janice. It’s true, even the things God calls us to, we cannot do apart from Him.

  4. this is so sweet. I have loved watching you grow in this! It is such sweet encouragement to me as I head back out on the field and a good reminder 🙂