Hi friends! Welcome!!! I’m so happy you’ve stopping by to discover what God did in our month in Chicago. A huge shoutout to my squad because I couldn’t have finished this blog without them. <3

The Lord began our Chicago experience with a warm welcome from our ministry partner, Park Community Church (P.C.C.). It was so sweet meeting a church family with such a city, country, and global focus to make Christ known and to send out missionaries to the unreached.
In our first week we were trained through an accelerated book study on Spiritual Multiplication in the Real World by Bob Mcnabb on a disciple-making, evangelistic approach focusing on forming relationships.
This approach in conversing with Chicagoans was new to most of us, making it a great learning experience. This method is used in long-term ministries in which it is very relational-based, encouraging our squad to freely cultivate relationships with those we met.
My squad and I met and connected with Chicagoans with such interesting stories, talents, and interests. We were reminded of how incredibly big God’s love for them is and how it is worth getting to know people and meet them with where they’re at (spiritually and emotionally).
I recommend these great reads from my sweet squad members on their experiences in Chicago where they encountered new friends:
- “Ministry With a Hook” by Amber Phillips: [email protected]
- “A Technology Driven World” by Hanna Smith: [email protected]
- “More Than a Flower” by Annie Denny: [email protected]
- “In Chicago donuts shops are not filled with cops but rather knitting parties” by Ellie Ryker: [email protected]
The Lord then allowed us to partner with the South Asian Friendship Center (S.A.F.C.), and meet such a sweet brother in the faith, the director of S.A.F.C, Eric Mason. We were trained on how to converse about the Bible and Jesus with our Muslim neighbors and friends. It was such a nourishing time diving deep into Biblical truths and Islamic teachings to gain perspective, knowledge, healthy tactics to converse in love instead of falling into unproductive arguments.
We were also able to learn 2 languages: Indonesian and Urdu, prominent languages spoken in the Middle East. It was so sweet being taught words and songs in those languages, along with getting to know our teachers with their story-telling from their time in Pakistan and Indonesia. On a side note, we were given delicious Pakistan food from a local restaurant and during the whole week, we drank lots and lots of chai tea. Take a look!
Park Community Church and the South Asian Friendship Center were and are such incredible partners of ours that poured into us to become better equipped in evangelism. We are so thankful for them!
- that Park Church’s Global vision may be accomplished in Jesus’ name: to mobilize, send and sustain 100 disciple-makers to the unreached by September 1, 2022.
- that the South Asian Friendship Center may receive more funds to their benevolence fund to help those in the community with various necessities (examples: rent and to support legal aid costs.)
- that many of our Muslim friends may be encouraged to seek the truth and know the love of God through the ministry of S.A.F.C including Eric’s podcast “Muslims Want to Know…” on Spotify.
Thank you for sticking around till now and for pr. I will be updating you all on our last 2 weeks in Chicago soon. Until next time,
J <3
Hi! I’m a racer on the Gap Year Program squad E, and found your blog somehow. I’m so glad you had this amazing time in Chicago. Praying for many more opportunities like this:)! super cool blog:)
Mi corazón rebosa de paz y gozo mientras leo las experiencias que Dios esta permitiendo en tu vida. Wow! ¡Que excelente escritora eres! Mami loves you and is sooo proud of you! Dios te bendiga abundantemente!