
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

As I’ve walked around here in Medellin, Colombia, praying and bringing the gospel with my team to homeless men and women (some with drug addictions),

God reminded me that… He not only sees them with eyes of love, but every single one of us,

those who know and don’t know Jesus who are struggling with other things too… that may not be as out in the open for everyone to see.

It could be pornography, suicidal thoughts, revenge, hatred, losses, relationship or friendship issues, you name it…

He sees them and is indeed, fighting for them too.

I don’t know what you’re going through… I don’t know what prayer you’re waiting for God to answer, I’m not sure if you’re in a valley, on a mountain top, in a storm, or smiling and looking at a rainbow.

I don’t know, besides if you’re subscribed, why you decided to read this blog… but I want you to know that,

I am praying that you know that God sees you… and wants to hug you and carry you through any and everything you may be going through.


He wants you to give Him all of your burdens,

so that you wont have to carry them anymore

He wants to strengthen you by the power of His spirit in love,

to trust in Him wholeheartedly.

There may be things you do not want to let go of; 

maybe in fear of losing control or no longer being loved,

or accepted, or in feeling that you will lose your identity, or that you won’t

be worthy of love in someone else’s eyes….

             I don’t know who I am writing this to but,

He sees you

He sees you and meets you where you are,

because He really, really, really loves you

He doesn’t look at you in disgust, or looks down at you saying, “poor baby.” 

He looks at you with eyes of love, 

and He wants to sustain you


It was because of love that He created you, 

and it is because of love that He died for you;

even before you were born,

He knew you and loved you


You are valued and known by Him,

regardless of what you have or haven’t done

For there is absolutely nothing that will make Him love you any less,

for His love runs so deep, so wide, and so long for you

Maybe these words are hard to accept or believe, but it is true. Jesus isn’t like those around you, point blank period. He is love, and wants you to experience His fullness.

I didn’t know I’d be writing this tonight. I had other things in mind, but God had something better. He had you in mind tonight, and actually, always has.

You are desired by Him, every part of you… in which He will make you blossom if you let Him, and renew you.

He says to you:

You are beautiful, my child

You are truly so beautiful, my child

I love your eyes; your smile

I will never stop loving you 

I only want you to know it

and feel it, and experience it to the fullest

What I have for you is better than what you think right now


Will you let me love you? and cleanse you?

I want to wash you up, and clothe you

with my love, every moment of everyday

I want you to live in peace and confidence

I want you to know, that I’ve been here all along

and that I wont leave you.


10 responses to “Is He fighting for them too?”

  1. Amen sister. You are such a beautiful soul. I have enjoyed journeying with you and have never taken the opportunity to say thank you…. for loving JESUS and following your heart to show that to others.

  2. Our God is a good good Father. We are lived by Him! Thank you mija for being a blessing to so many!

  3. This really hit me in this moment! Thank you, Janice. I actually needed to hear that. We are in the midst of moving and it’s exhausting. These words are truly uplifting. Love you.

  4. This really hit me in this moment! Thank you, Janice. I actually needed to hear that. We are in the midst of moving and it’s exhausting. These words are truly uplifting. Love you.

  5. Thank you Janice I needed reminded to lay down all my burdens not just the ones that are easy…all!!!