
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

How does it look like to live out all of these dreams:

to feel these tugs in your heart that seem to be going different directions in your mind? How will this all fit? How will these dreams come together?

I know for sure that God is guiding and leading me so well, and I think with where I am at in life, I want to see how all of this will work out. 

Some days I yearn to know more than to trust, and other days I only yearn to trust because I am refocused by Him once again in the hope that is only found in Jesus, the Author and Consumer of my faith.

The best way to live life is in full surrender and fully expectant of God’s work.

Dreams to grow in leadership in worship and in other ways that I didn’t think would look the way they will. The things that I think are limitations are only invitations for more growth and an opportunity to see God work.

This is definitely a ramble, but right now, these are thoughts I want to share as I am living in what I have been praying for.

My passions are evolving, I see how God is opening so many doors that I truly ask myself and God… “how is this going to work? how are You going to do this?” And I perceive in my spirit God just smiling so big over me and saying, “get excited beloved because what I have for you will be so fun and so good. I know you, and I am so excited for you to delight in me in the ways that I know your heart desires, for you love me and seek my kingdom first.” 

 These thoughts are about where I am at right now, and allowing the Lord to enter into my innermost parts for the here and now, not for next month or deep into 2022 in doing missions… 

but for the here and now, for the mission of here and now,

God’s mission for the here and now is my heart… and that what He is doing may outpour to those around me, because He loves them so much too.

He is going deep, and He wants me to hold His hand as He goes deep, as He does wonders, because He wants me to be fully aware of them…

He doesn’t want me to be distracted or fixated or worried about my future or what is to come… but to focus on His direction and His still, small voice in the here and now…

Intimacy with the Father,

Intimacy with Jesus,

Intimacy with Holy Spirit…

it is all my sweet God and King, and Friend has ever wanted… 

rest, reconciliation, restoration, rejoicing, revelation, revival, redemption, relief,

for you and I.

 How beautiful, to be loved so deeply by the Creator, and to be reminded that He holds everything together… He is fully involved, and does not hold back. Living in this overflow is better than what I have ever tried to give myself. 

Wow, i love you so much Abba, thank you <3

 Thank you for reading. Take heart, be encouraged. He is for you.

With much love, 


One response to “Many dreams & God’s mission”

  1. Janice, I love how you, not only, hear so clearly from the Lord, but you share what you hear from Him, and it increases the faith of those around you, inspiring them to listen and follow His leading as well.
    I love you and I rejoice with you as you continue on with Adventures in Missions.