Hi friends and welcome to the introduction to my
blog series where I’ll be sharing:
- The time in Wisconsin and leaving
- The time during launch and arriving to Guatemala
- Guatemala post quarantine
- The Misteco Family Pt. 1
- The Misteco Family Pt. 2
- Thinking back to meeting Sandra
The titles to these blogs may include these words so be on the look out:
Remember, Ray of SunshineReveal, Rough, Rethinking,
Wrecked, Responsibility,
Reflecting, Rise, Rooted,
Reinforcement, Wrestle
This will be my first time doing a blog series and I am soooo looking forward to sharing about the abundance of God’s goodness in my life and my team and squad with you. I am praying that your heart is prepared/ing for it, because…
my friend, it’s oh so good!!! I want you to walk with me through this journey of discovery and I’d love it if you could tell your friends!!! All you need to do is subscribe with your email or phone number to receive updates on my blogs: It’s easy and breezy!!!
Until tomorrow, with much love,
Can’t wait to hear more!