
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

   And so, I’ve been meaning to update you on our time in Wisconsin but I want to continue to stay true to what Holy Spirit is leading me to speak. We’re currently at the airport and we will be boarding at 6:00 am to Guatemala. Woohoo!!! And so, what better time to tell you about what God is doing!

   I’m now listening to Defender by Jesus Culture as I write this, and I am so thankful for my sister-in-law who introduced this song to me months ago as she shared God’s work in her life and how this song rocked her world. I love you Zule. This part of the song is rocking my world right now, along with a lot of great words of encouragement received these past days:

—And all I did was praise
All I did was worship
All I did was bow down
All I did was stay still
—Hallelujah, You have saved me
So much better Your way


    If you guys didn’t know, I love worshipping the Lord. I love singing songs and melodies to ascribe to Him. I love pouring out my heart to Him as He overflows His love all over me. He has loved me so well and I’ve had the sweetest moments with Him during my alone time with Him and corporate worship.

 Worship is a posture of surrender, and it’s what gets my heart in the right place over and over again, especially through the different pits and lows I’ve experienced on the World Race. 

   Before leaving to the airport, we worshipped together before saying our goodbyes to World Race staff and leaders. I was hit with so many emotions and challenging words from the Lord. He asked me to surrender my family to Him. We’re finally leaving for international missions and, that means that I’ll be gone from the U.S. for 8-9 months. My mom, dad, brother, sister-in-law, and soon-to-be-born niece and family came to my mind. 

 I wept and wept.

   One of my fears before and after saying “yes” to the World Race was/is not being there for my family. As Megan, my incredible squad mentor, talked about Trust vs. Control yesterday, I saw that I’ve had a control issue to want to take care of my family instead of entrusting my family to God. I could perceive the Lord telling me: give them to me. God was telling me that my worries and my desire to control… is not for me to have nor carry. He asked me to give my family to Him, and I’ll be frank… I was having a very hard time doing so.

   …To place them in the hands of a Great Father in which I say, “So much better Your way” …To surrender as many times and as much needed… for it is not just a one time thing… it’s an every day thing. …To know that it is worth it even when hard… To know that this journey won’t be easy… but that it truly is the most fulfilling life to live for a King who holds the whole world, including my family, in His hands. Thank you Lord.

And so, what is He is asking you to surrender? Or what is He asking you to do in order to go deeper with Him? What is your response? What is your heart posture? 


Thanks for reading! In my next blog, I’ll be telling you of God’s story in Wisconsin. In the mean time, please pray for a safe flight for my squad and I to GUATEMALA!!!!!! Ahhhhhhh, so excited! With much love, 




3 responses to “What is He asking you to surrender?”

  1. Janice,
    What a word of encouragement to me as I read your blog. You have touched on some things that isn’t easy to do because we are beings that like to be in control of everything. But we are commanded to surrender completely to our Lord and Savior, yet that should be something so simple to do, is yet so very hard to do. As a mom this has been a struggle for me to do, and yes, it’s a daily thing that we must choose to do. But, once you surrender those things to the Lord, a weight does seem to fall off your shoulders, and we must learn to leave it and not keep trying to take it back, (like I have done many times, but daily I now remind myself to leave it all with God). And, what a better place, then in the hands of our Lord! … what a joy to see you grow in the Lord! I’ll be praying for you and your team.
    To God be the Glory,
    Mrs. Sparkle

  2. This touches my heart as well, Janice. How beautfully you’ve put this into words. I look forward to the testimonies we shall have of how the Lord diligently cares for our families as we seek Him.
    I am excited to learn of the number of true worshipers we have on our squad. Our 2nd Debrief is going to be a praise fest! Love you. ??????????????