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It is time for me to prepare to go.

Hello, there my friends! 🙂 Thank you so much for coming by to read as to why I am leaving my hometown for 11 months.

The short version of my reason is because of this immense hunger and thirst to know my Lord Jesus Christ in a deeper way, which involves surrendering myself to Him through this mission’s trip. Yet, may I explain to you exactly what the Lord wants me to surrender? 

You and I can probably relate and agree that school is or has been a big part of our lives at some point, and for those who do not know, I recently graduated with my bachelor’s degree, and my plan was to go for my master’s degree, which would have taken me only 1 year. This would have been a great accomplishment at age 22, but I realized that this is not what I wanted.

Deep down I knew there was something else the Lord wanted from me. There had been this yearning desire to do something worthwhile and to leave all I’ve known for some time, to learn to live life in a different way and to grow closer to God through new and uncomfortable experiences.

I spent time searching and praying (not as much as I should have been) to see what He wanted for me, but I learned the hard way by trying to make certain things happen in my life that He did not want for me. During that time, I realized that I had a long way to go in learning to simply trust in the Lord with my everyday life and future.


God wants my complete surrender. He wants my pride and worries, my comfort, my self-satisfaction, my humanistic mindset, my dreams, my fleshy desires and so much more; in order to find SOLE satisfaction in Him. 


This is my reason, my friends. It is the Lord calling me to do this, and I desire what He desires for me. I also desire what He desires for you, my friend, for as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are His ways higher than our ways and His thoughts than our thoughts (Isaiah 55:9.) 

As Christians, we are in different places and stages in our walk with God, and we all and will have different life stories to tell, which I am so happy about! Aren’t you? I believe that this mission’s trip will be part of my life story. 

I believe that the Lord will continuously teach me especially on the October 2020 trip, to surrender it all in order to firmly hold on to Him. It is time to surrender!


I am so thankful for you! Thank you for reading, I pray that this was of great blessing and of great encouragement for you. Stay tuned for my next blog post, I would like for us to stay connected!!


With much love,


J <3


5 responses to “Time to Surrender”

  1. Dear Janice, I’ve known you since you were just a child. Seeing you grow up through the years, maturing into a beautiful, intelligent, wise, and unique young woman makes me proud to part of your life. You’ve taught me so much. Knowing that you will be away is like having my own child go away. As you prepare for this wonderful journey that the Lord has called you on, I ask the Lord to help you through the entire time. Continue to keep the Lord first and foremost and he will continue to bless and honor everything you do. May the Lord use you in the most powerful ways to teach others of His eternal love. God bless you always.
    Your friend and sister, Virginia ??

  2. Mi hija amada, es nuestra oración que Dios cumpla Su propósito en ti y que seas de gran bendición para aquellos a quienes vas a servir. ¡Heme aquí envíame a mi!

  3. Hermana Virginia, your words are so encouraging and words that I treasure dearly. Thank you so much, I love you very much!