
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I’ve been encouraging my soul to give it all to God, over and over again.Last week before finding out about the school closing down, I had been in contact with friends with potential Covid. Out of precaution for the students, I decided to quarantine (miss the last days of school) while my friends awaited their covid results. They got their results on Friday 13th, and they were positive.

our last walk from the school, 

I got tested today (3 days later), Monday, and I’ll be getting the test-results tomorrow. Being in the waiting all these days has definitely brought up self-guilt and self-condemnation from the past and now. 8 months ago, back in Guatemala, when I was the first from my squad to be positive (internationally), there was much revealed in quarantine.

I talked to the Lord this morning before my Covid- test, saying:

I give this to You, Father. I give you my Covid results, my physical health, the keyboard fundraiser, my story-telling internship (blogging), worship debrief plans, my ‘going back home’ process… everything that I could choose to worry about, I want to give to You.

Psalm 55:22 Cast your cares on the Lord, and He will sustain you.

1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.

You care for me, and you are more than happy and blessed to carry/to have released all of my anxieties and cares. Thank you that I can see Your goodness shine through this.

It has been a daily things guys; giving, casting, releasing things to Him over and over again. When I feel myself picking up anxiety, the guilt and condemnation back up, I give it to Him again. I’ve learned to do that. I learned the hard way 8 months ago, but I am more quick to give it to Him now, 8 months later, on my last month of the Race. If this isnt a victory, I don’t know what is.

He’s redeemed me through the many trials on this trip, including Covid.

And so // Covid doesn’t define God //

Our trials don’t define who God is. And so, the only reason I give/release self-guilt and self-condemnation to God, is because I know who He is and what He thinks and says of me. If He isn’t defined by this, am I? No.

Covid doesn’t define me either.

I’m His daughter– His inheritance is mine. My identity is found in Him.

by Kayla Gulley

Encourage yourself as many times as you have to. Give those things to God as many times as you have to. He will sustain you and care for you every time.

 Until next time, stay tuned for a lot more stories. It is my last month on the Race, so I’m going out with BANG!!! 

With much love




2 responses to “Covid doesn’t define God”

  1. Janice! I, too, have been learning to lean on 1 Peter 5:7, with an emphasis on “ALL” my cares on Him. Thanks for the encouragement to give it back to Him when I retake it up.
    I love your drawing. I see how you have the word OVERFLOW. God is so good!
    Blessings as you head out for ATL. I know how your team likes to operate in “Life is missions and missions is life.” I’m so proud of you and can’t wait to hear how the Lord moves.

  2. Janice praying for a negative covid test! I love your journaling of releasing and receiving and praising it’s a beautiful picture of how we can process …a releasing of ourselves and allowing the Father to hold us and take care of us! So thankful for His constant pursuing and giving love. Praying for rest as you wait.